Unlock Our AW24 Design Trends, Backed By Research
Get ahead of that Magic 8 Ball and stabilise your business in a shaky economy. Our trend methodology is here to support you and your organisation’s commercial success.
We’ve been considering how global factors influence society and, in turn, marketplaces. Buttercrumble are here to give you a deeper understanding of audience behaviours and lifestyles in Autumn/Winter 2024. Get ready for the coolest design predictions!
Catwalk Credits: Vogue Runway
Out of this world
Audiences seek escapism – in the cosmos – as life on Earth has been full of struggle, doubt, and chaos. The space race is on, so how will you liberate your consumers?
Power campaign
Life is busy and we can all appreciate the need to pull together a look with minimal time and effort. Empower your audience with “fast-fashion” that doesn’t damage our environment.
Catwalk Credits: Vogue Runway
Cabin retreat
Consumers are increasingly cost and environmentally-conscious. Therefore, they yearn for nourishing outdoor spaces and experiences. Pack your puffer jacket and tartan shirt and let’s escape to a cabin retreat!
Jewel beasties
We are reminded of new beginnings when autumn and winter arrive, and butterflies symbolise this transformation beautifully. Be inspired and utilise the magic of the insect world with the Jewel Beasties trend
How can you action these trends?
This 42-page guide will highlight four creative opportunities for your brand – validity-checked by yours truly – and ways you can easily implement the latest trends.
You’ll receive:
A detailed overview of four trends, that are impacting lives and altering consumer behaviours.
One-of-a-kind research and visual moodboards to spark your imagination.
Practical guidance on how to implement the trend for your organisation, including colour palettes.
If you're a forward-thinking, go-getting brand, you need to get in on the ground floor with these trends. Be an innovator and ensure you position yourself as a confident futurist.
Are you interested in exploring trend analysis for your own brand? Please reach out to us. Style lovers unite!