Galleries, Musuems, Libraries and Archives — Your Digital Outreach Guide

Over the last couple of weeks, we’ve been following the evolving COVID-19 situation closely. With this in mind, we wanted to share with you how we can innovate during this period of uncertainty. We’ve created a digital outreach guide to share our ideas. Although it has been inspired by Coronavirus, this guide is still relevant for the future. After all, digital outreach is the future.

Galleries Museums Libraries Archives — Digital Outreach Guide

With challenging times ahead, there is an opportunity to spread joy through insightful and fun content. Welcome virtual visitors to your organisation by providing online content. Creative content from your organisation can provide a break from the news by offering inspiration and magic. You are still able to nurture your communities. You can still engage with your audiences.

We hope our guide can spark inspiration. Please do enjoy. If you have any feedback, please do not hesitate to get in touch. To download your free guide, please submit your email address below. This will then reveal the download link.


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